Sunday, March 15, 2009

Seneca Creek 50+k trail race - March 7, 2009

50+k trail race, ~33 miles, finished in 6 hrs 32 min 05 sec, 56th place out of 108 male 50k finishers, first place finished in 4:17:12

I reached the 19 mile aid station in exactly 3 hrs and was feeling pretty good at that point - a little tired in the legs as this was the longest run of the season to date by this point in the race. Somewhere in the mid-20 miles into the race, I started experiencing some pretty bad pain in my right shoe. I wasn't sure if it was blisters, my toenails falling off, or what. When I finally checked at an aid station with about 3 miles to go, I realized that I should have cut my toenails before the race and that my pinky toenail was terribly tender from impacting my shoe every step I was taking. I pretty much hobbled into the finish it hurt so bad by the end of the run.
crossing a stream during the race

my toes a week after the race, my poor pinky toe is no longer sitting horizontal on my swollen toe but is at a horrible vertical angle causing significant pain with every step

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